Malaysia people are really tend to use Facebook (FB) everyday where Malaysian are ranked one of the most heavy user of FB in the world. Even playing Facebook can harm a user. Please refer to the picture below ( courtesy of Google )

Have you all encountered with this fake FB page before? This scam is known as phishing where the culprit wanted to obtain info such as username and password by creating a fake website so victims will enter their information without knowing anything. A more serious case that occur is when someone being caught on a bank phishing/fake website, where the victim can lose money on their account. So people, just be more aware about what you are surfing especially if it involve your personal detail.
Another major scam is call spam. Spam can be define as unknown message that been sent through our email or messenger that sometime are dangerous. Mainly spam is created to promote something to a broad target but sometime some unknown messages contain links that will can harm the victim's computer where it is possible this links are viruses. Therefore, to counter the spam problem simply ignore and delete any weird messages or emails. Better prevent than curing.
There are several more internet scams such as hacking, identity thief, spyware and botnet. Internet scam is also a profession for people to live in their life. Thank God because Malaysia level of scamming is not that serious compare to countries such as U.S.A or Japan. Before this scamming develop in this country better we as the people keep our awareness and ready at all time.
penah gak masa dulu2 wat web pishing tuk friendster.. dulu friendster leh embed jscript.. bila org buka profile kt so automatik ke page login balik..
Tandas Awam Yang Cool
Pergh.. power ni shah rizar :D
Thank a lots Hafizal
100 years in future it could be computers looking for life on earth... twisted logic by coldplay...
Maybe saiazuan. But one thing 4 sure, we will not get the chance to experience it :)
Messi ditumbuk
macam mana rupanya kalau dunia dah takde internet ni semua ya?
hmm, kalo internet pasti cik elie x leh komen mcm diats :P
Thannkkk zureen!
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