Salam to all readers of this blog. This post is about traffic complication that I observe as a Malaysian. As a citizen of Malaysia that had travel to several countries around the world, Malaysia's traffic can be considered as really bad. This claim is strenghten by the fact that roads are usually packed with vehicles and statistic of accident in Malaysia is quite high. The causes of these bad traffic are from several factors such as the system of the road, to much vehicle on road and last but not least the user behaviour. But the main cause is the road user that are not professional unconsiderable, and very selfish.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Malaysia Traffic Problem : The Main Cause
Car Pooling,
Public Transport,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
What to Believe, But Not to Be Taken Granted
Are you believe in fortune telling? Surprisingly, fortune teller is a professional profession and people make money by telling about others people future. For me it is not logic for a mere human being to know about someone future or destiny. As a Muslim, I only believe in Allah S.W.T., the Creator of all that can determine our life. Anyway, fortune telling is not prohibited and for me I just take any predictions as a motivation to strive for the result.
Today, as I scroll down my Timeline in Twitter. I found one website that really open my mind. Do visit the site : and you will know what I mean. The future is not something to be hold but the present that need to be taken.
Today, as I scroll down my Timeline in Twitter. I found one website that really open my mind. Do visit the site : and you will know what I mean. The future is not something to be hold but the present that need to be taken.
Fortune Telling
Friday, October 21, 2011
What Should I Do!
Is there anyone in the world who never had dilemma in their whole life? I think the answer for that question is easy, everybody in the world had been encountered with dilemma. Dilemma is something that can be define as something that only emit disadvantages in life but for some reason dilemma can be a good thing. This is because with dilemma we are becoming more cautious when deciding doing something. Still don't understand the phrase? Well let me give one example. If we do not have dilemma in buying an iPhone than we will certainly buy an iPhone every time a new model came out and this can cause problem in term of financial. Do you get the point? If any of you have any good examples do share with us.
Right now, I have my own dilemma. My dilemma is whether to buy the CBR 250 or buying a new BlackBerry Bold 9900 + a Playbook or not buying neither the items for saving purpose. I just graduated for a month and just attend my Convocation last week and I'm currently seeking for the right job to expend my career in Mechanical Engineering. For the past three week I have been working as an agent for Aeon Credit Service and Personal Loan. I have already got my first salary, so this situation is supporting for me to buy the CBR 250. This because with only one payslip we can make loan for buying motorcycle. Moreover, my Yamaha RXZ insurance will expired within 6 weeks which mean buying the CBR 250 is the right thing to do. If you do not know CBR 250, have a glance below:
Right now, I have my own dilemma. My dilemma is whether to buy the CBR 250 or buying a new BlackBerry Bold 9900 + a Playbook or not buying neither the items for saving purpose. I just graduated for a month and just attend my Convocation last week and I'm currently seeking for the right job to expend my career in Mechanical Engineering. For the past three week I have been working as an agent for Aeon Credit Service and Personal Loan. I have already got my first salary, so this situation is supporting for me to buy the CBR 250. This because with only one payslip we can make loan for buying motorcycle. Moreover, my Yamaha RXZ insurance will expired within 6 weeks which mean buying the CBR 250 is the right thing to do. If you do not know CBR 250, have a glance below:
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Duit Raya RM1000 dari Blog Denaihati 2011
Salam Ramadhan kepada semua. Disebabkan Denaihati ingin memeriahkan hari raya dengan memberi duit raya maka cabaran telah pon diterima. Senarai entri paling continuous adalah seperti berikut:
1. Blogger Kena Saman
2. GaySec memohon maaf kepada Arlene Tan
3. Sekuriti Blog Blogger Buat Apa
4. Siapa Blogger Trafik Hunter
5. Duit Raya RM1000 untuk Rakan Blogger
6. 10Malaysia Top Link dan Commentator Julai 2011
Memang unik contest duit raya ni. Banyak kali gak kay selongkar blog Denaihati mencari combination terpanjang. Kebanyakannya sampai lima entry jer. Semakin lama menyelongkar semakin paham connection antara sume entry ni so akhirnya dpt jugak sampai enam continuous connection. kay jugak dapat tahu yang Denaihati peminat setia The Gunners. Sok sama2 la kita tengok live macth ManU vs Arsenal ekh. Akhir kata, sebelum Ramadhan meninggalkan kita elok la kita mengambil peluang yang masih tinggal sebelum kita meraikan Syawal yang dirai.
1. Blogger Kena Saman
2. GaySec memohon maaf kepada Arlene Tan
3. Sekuriti Blog Blogger Buat Apa
4. Siapa Blogger Trafik Hunter
5. Duit Raya RM1000 untuk Rakan Blogger
6. 10Malaysia Top Link dan Commentator Julai 2011
Memang unik contest duit raya ni. Banyak kali gak kay selongkar blog Denaihati mencari combination terpanjang. Kebanyakannya sampai lima entry jer. Semakin lama menyelongkar semakin paham connection antara sume entry ni so akhirnya dpt jugak sampai enam continuous connection. kay jugak dapat tahu yang Denaihati peminat setia The Gunners. Sok sama2 la kita tengok live macth ManU vs Arsenal ekh. Akhir kata, sebelum Ramadhan meninggalkan kita elok la kita mengambil peluang yang masih tinggal sebelum kita meraikan Syawal yang dirai.
blog denaihati,
Contest duit raya,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Why You Should Choose BlackBerry Over iPhone or Android
Nowadays, the world are fill with technology where it got contributed high influence in our life. Now, smartphones can be considered a must have items. Companies such as Research In Motion (RIM), Apple & Samsung are the main suppliers of smartphones in the world. Nokia & Sony Ericson was one of the dominant force in hand phone selling but now struggle to compete with smartphones retailer. This prove that the world is changing.
BlackBerry is a hit in several countries especially in South East Asia mainly because of it internet services that is really cheap, fast and really give convenient to it users. In Malaysia, the most advance BlackBerry is the Torch. There are also awesome BlackBerry models that do not enter Malaysia such as the BlackBerry Style. Apart from the versatility of design and model of BlackBerry compared to the only touch screen and square shape iPhone, BlackBerry smartphone also will not make a hole on your pocket because it is a lots cheaper compare to iPhone.
New Celcom BIS plan,
Monday, July 11, 2011
Bersih 2.0, Politik Malaysia & Pengaruh Kumpulan Bilderberg terhadap Dunia
Bersih 2.o telah mencatat sejarah Malaysia apabila telah mengegarkan kota Kuala Lumpur. Semua ini adalah politik Malaysia. Macam mana pulak dengan keadaan dunia dimana banyak negara yang semakin miskin disebabkan hutang dengan Bank Dunia ataupun negara-negara yang sedang bergelut seperti Palestin, Sudan atau Afghanistan? Semua ini mungkin didalangi kumpulan Bilderberg.
Bilderberg merupakan kumpulan yang dipelopori oleh orang Wall Street berpusat di Leiden, Belanda. Secara amnya ianya dikawal di bawah Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Kebanyakan ahli-ahlinya terdiri dari orang yahudi. Inikah yang dikatakan ekonomi dunia dikawal oleh golongan ini!
Mengikut kajian serta pemahaman saya, disimpulkan yang pemerintahan presiden di amerika hanyalah berperanan sebagai boneka yang dikawal oleh Bilderberg. Selepas pembunuhan Presiden John F. Kennedy, dikhabarkan semua presiden selepas beliau hanyalah boneka semata-mata termasuklah Presiden Barrack Obama.
Bilderberg merupakan kumpulan yang dipelopori oleh orang Wall Street berpusat di Leiden, Belanda. Secara amnya ianya dikawal di bawah Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Kebanyakan ahli-ahlinya terdiri dari orang yahudi. Inikah yang dikatakan ekonomi dunia dikawal oleh golongan ini!
Mengikut kajian serta pemahaman saya, disimpulkan yang pemerintahan presiden di amerika hanyalah berperanan sebagai boneka yang dikawal oleh Bilderberg. Selepas pembunuhan Presiden John F. Kennedy, dikhabarkan semua presiden selepas beliau hanyalah boneka semata-mata termasuklah Presiden Barrack Obama.
Barrack Obama,
Bersih 2.0,
Saturday, June 25, 2011
"Kita nk pergi saksikan perlawanan liverpool bersama sama dilakochan & the gang sebab kitorang nak kasi gegar stadium itu nnt BECAUSE WE WILL ALWAYS NEVER WALK ALONE!! WE WILL WALK & SEE THE MATCH TOGETHER. SEE YOU AT NASIONAL STADIUM BUKIT JALIL!"
Monday, June 20, 2011
Gomo Kawe Gomo, Peteh Kak Ngah Peteh for Digi WWWOW Awards
Tahniah kayshafiQ ucapkan kepada Kelantan dan Terengganu kerana menghidangkan sebuah perlawanan Final Piala FA yang penuh dramatik serta menghiburkan. Semangat juang yang ditunjukan oleh Terangganu hingga ke minit akhir wajar diambil diikthibar dalam kehidupan seharian kita.
Digi WWWOW Award,
Final Piala FA,
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sport Car Macam X Mampu, Super bike pun Jadi La.
Pernah mempunyai impian? Mungkin impian untuk melangsungkan perkhawinan ala-ala Fairy Tale ataupun memliki sebuah GT-R 35. Impian tak akan jadi kenyataan kalo ianya hanya angan-angan. Ia memerlukan perancangan yang betul based on our own current conditions. Yang paling penting Nawaitu yang betul diikuti dengan usaha yang berterusan. Baru-baru industri automotive Malaysia dijajah dengan kemunculan RCZ oleh Peugeot. Kereta RCZ memang sporty habih dimana Peugeot memperkenalkan sebuah kereta yang lain dari konsep yang sebelumnya. Harga kereta ni dalam RM 230,000 dan ianya pasti menjadi impian anak-anak muda sekarang.

Peugeot 308 RCZ = RM 230,000
Aku jugak seperti anak-anak muda sekarang, kalo boleh nak ja drive GT-R 35. Tapi memikirkan keadaan yang seperti tidak seberapa memenuhi impian maka satu perancangan telah dibuat dimana dengan RM 230, 000 aku boleh dapat sebuah family car, sebuah kereta rally dan sebuah super bike.
Neo R3,
Peugeot 207,
Peugeot RCZ
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Malaysian IT Awareness is Still Low.
Malaysia people are really tend to use Facebook (FB) everyday where Malaysian are ranked one of the most heavy user of FB in the world. Even playing Facebook can harm a user. Please refer to the picture below ( courtesy of Google )
Monday, May 16, 2011
Kempen Undi Untuk Blogger Of The Year DiGi WWWOW Awards
Hanya perlu berFacebook,
Untuk casting your vote,
For to book,
The top 3 blogger kot..

X perlu kemana-mana,
Hanya di depan komputer anda,
Digi WWWOW Award,
Top blogger
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Awesome Parkour Action Photography & the Story Behind It
Actually the main issue on this post is not about LeParkour but it is about my friend, Fazreen who wrote a post about LeParkour. Considering I'm about to graduate and will be entering job profession in the future, the 'Fazreen's story' is very suitable to be told.
Final Exam,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Contest Alya : Aku & Alam
Dengan segala hormat hamba memaklumkan inilah contest pertama tajaan para blogger yg kayshafiQ join. Tahniah kpd si Alya kerana dpt mempengaruhi kayshafiQ join contest ni. Contest ni mmng simple, x susah mcm nak hilangkan dimple. Untuk keterangan lanjut mengenai contest ni sile menghayati banner di bawah
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Maharaja Lawak Week 3 : Nabil stylo dowh
Buat tu buat ni itu yg ak dengar tiap2 hari sejak aku disini.
Waiter casher kene customer semuenye ak, semuenye ak.
Amik anak kau balik dr sekolah pon keje ak,
lepas tu nak kene hantar pulak die pegi mengaji.
Dekat Kampung Baru.
Aku buat semue 4 u,
ak keje semue 4 u,
ak jdi babu 4 u.
Nasib la ak ini, makan tido keje kat sini.
Kalau x dh lame ku bakar kedai ni.
Roslan Kak Teh kene buang sbb diorang curi pengcukil gigi.
Bos jahat bos jahat itula panggilan yg patut ku bagi, itu yg patut ku bagi.
Dah la gaji ak sikit itu pun kau x pernah nak bagi.
Ikut hati ak org mcm kmi dah lame ak ak.
Aku bagi kaki
lirik grenade versi nabil,
Maharaja Lawak
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A Magnolia Sherbet A Day Cast Away All My 'Sin' But Make Me 'Insane'
Ever dreaming to go places such as these;

Well, there is an easy way.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Peluang nak jadi macam Ana Rafali atau Yuna.
Pernah tengok video diatas?
On the spot posting,
Special event
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Malaysia is the name of the country. Logically the name came form two words, 'Malay' and 'Sia'. Malay stand for the main race in the country will I have no specific explanation on the 'Sia'. Malaysia is known for it variety races that live together. Therefore, this condition produce many cultures, foods and celebrations. I'm as a Malaysian was born as a Malay guy. Since I was a child my friends came from three races whether Malay, Chinese or Indian. Until now, my friends are majorly from these three races.
Malaysia as the name been given are majorly populated by Malays. Up to now, Malaysia already had 6 Prime Minister that served the country since 31 August 1957 and all the Prime Minister are Malay related blood. Malaysia also own a King and all the Kings are also Malay related blood. Malaysia is known as an Islamic country but the people are free to follow any religious. Malaysia people are divided into 'Bumiputere', Chinese, Indian, others and non-citizen. Priority are given to the 'Bumiputera' in term of owning assets, applying bank loan and applying to enter any public educational institutes. 'Bumiputera' consist of Malay and 'Orang Asli' people. 'Bumiputera' is the original people of the land. A table showing the ethnics populations in Malaysia are shown as follow:
Malaysia as the name been given are majorly populated by Malays. Up to now, Malaysia already had 6 Prime Minister that served the country since 31 August 1957 and all the Prime Minister are Malay related blood. Malaysia also own a King and all the Kings are also Malay related blood. Malaysia is known as an Islamic country but the people are free to follow any religious. Malaysia people are divided into 'Bumiputere', Chinese, Indian, others and non-citizen. Priority are given to the 'Bumiputera' in term of owning assets, applying bank loan and applying to enter any public educational institutes. 'Bumiputera' consist of Malay and 'Orang Asli' people. 'Bumiputera' is the original people of the land. A table showing the ethnics populations in Malaysia are shown as follow:
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
How to Make Money by Blogging?
Assalamualaikum and good evening to all who are visiting my humble blog. As the title has stated, it represent one of the purpose why people start blogging. Majorly, money is the main target for people to make a blog. Apart from making money, seeking information and expanding networking come second and third respectively for people involving with blogging. Life can not go on without money. Money can buy many things and can create several opportunities in life. Therefore, by blogging people can generate passive income and sometime this passive income can exceed their own active income. So the main question is, how to generate money by blogging?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The Season of the Witch is Here

This January...
Raise some Hell...
What you can tell...
The scariest thing of a WITCH!!!
Have you encountered by witches that really bitches!!! Well for everyone sake I guarantee it is better to encounter with a ghost than a witch because witches are ugly. Yes!!! I repeated it again, witches are UGLY!!!
Raise some Hell...
What you can tell...
The scariest thing of a WITCH!!!
Have you encountered by witches that really bitches!!! Well for everyone sake I guarantee it is better to encounter with a ghost than a witch because witches are ugly. Yes!!! I repeated it again, witches are UGLY!!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Why We Should Start Tweeting
Hello Malaysian and also the rest of the world. Congratulation to Malaysia for winning the AFF Suzuki Cup. Rio Ferdinand also acknowledge you. The world also know its because of the circulation of information from the internet. Congratulation again and a Happy New Year.
Did you know that Malaysian is one of the most heavy user of Facebook(FB) in the world? Anyway, I'm quit sure that we as a blogger are very familiar with nuffnangMY as our pocket filler kan. If you are a nuffnanger it is better if you activate your churpchurp. It is easy to make a lot of money by making some simple steps. To activate churpchurp, please click the banner below;
Did you know that Malaysian is one of the most heavy user of Facebook(FB) in the world? Anyway, I'm quit sure that we as a blogger are very familiar with nuffnangMY as our pocket filler kan. If you are a nuffnanger it is better if you activate your churpchurp. It is easy to make a lot of money by making some simple steps. To activate churpchurp, please click the banner below;
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